Our Mission

We believe in your innate ability to birth your baby, and that birth works. That going with the flow and hoping for the best isn’t a good option with our birth statistics being what they are. That your birth choices are important, and your birth is important.

Autonomy in this space depends on information being made available to you, and digested by you. But this information can be hard to find. We hear it from you — from women who didn’t know that there were options and choices to be made, all through pregnancy. Who didn’t know what midwives were, what doulas were, and what continuity of care was (and should look and feel like).

We know because we were you, booking in for pregnancy care based on what those around us were doing, with little regard for what the evidence actually said about those options. 

This information is out there, but it is spread far and wide. We have spent years piecing it together, between birth education courses, books, websites, academic journals, podcasts, and instagram posts. Our goal is for all of this information, all of your birth choices, to be under one roof. 

Choices in care provider.

Choices in pregnancy.

Choices in birth.

Choices in postpartum.

Your first birth is not a trial run, and we don’t want it to take you having a bad birth experience to be the catalyst for you being properly informed. But if you are here, wanting to change the trajectory of your birth experiences (or set off on the right foot from the get-go), then we are here to support you. We wouldn’t be here were it not for our previous birth experiences.

We want to ensure you are fully supported, both by your own knowledge, and by your care provider, to be at the centre of your care, and to have a positive birth experience, whatever that looks like for you.

Your birth choices matter — your choice of care provider, of birthing venue, of care during pregnancy, birth and postpartum — they matter.  


birthchoices, through this website, our service offerings and our podcast, aims to share stories and collate information to assist you in navigating your pregnancy and birth and in discussing these choices with your chosen pregnancy care provider. The information and resources provided are informational and educational in nature and does not constitute medical or midwifery advice and shall not be construed as constituting or replacing medical or midwifery advice.

We at birthchoices encourage you to make your own care decisions based on your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The information provided is general in nature and we expressly recommend that you seek advice from your midwife or doctor who knows your individual circumstances in determining your approach to your pregnancy and birth. 

While we have worked hard to ensure that the information we provide is accurate and based on reliable and up to date evidence, we do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Our website and podcast are intended to complement, and never to substitute, your midwifery or medical clinical care. 

Neither we at birthchoices or any of our guests shall be held liable or responsible for any loss, damage or unfavourable outcomes arising out of the use or reliance on our content and/or your failure to seek appropriate medical, midwifery or health advice from a relevant licensed health care professional who is familiar with your individual circumstances.

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